Whitening booster vitC 1000mg -Effectively brightens the skin of the face and body evenly, smooth, fluffy, radiant
-Maintains skin moisture, removes dark spots, fades freckles and dark circles under the eyes
-Treat skin diseases such as boils, eczema, dermatitis, as well as cough and flu
-Eliminates acne bacteria and treats scars -Anti -aging and anti -wrinkle -Overcome sinus problems and allergies
-Needed for tissue growth and repair, adrenal gland function, as well as gum & tooth health
-Protects the body’s cells from the effects of pollution, as well as enhances immunity
-Helps high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis
-Protects the use of blood clots, bruises, wound healing and the production of anti-stress hormones i -Protects brain and spinal cord cells, which are often damaged by free radicals
-Helps the body absorb more iron, useful in treating anemia
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